Pet Relocation Overview
Moving with Pets and Plants
Many of us have chosen to share our home with a fluffy companion. When the time comes to change that home, we face the question, how do I move with my pet cat? Cats, much like cat people, are a particular breed: quiet, independent, lovers of routine, not big fans of change. When a cat grows to know a certain space, they can get very attached to the said space.
Moving with pets puts some additional strain on your moving schedule. Dogs, for example, take things very differently, but the whole experience is no less stressful for them. With that in mind, moving house with your cat is never easy, but weve gathered a few suggestions and moving tips to answer the question, How to move house with cats?
Table of Contents
- Preparing to move house with cats
- Stay calm
- Things should stay the same
- Take the moving boxes and the cat carrier out
- Take the time to introduce the new things
- Moving house with a cat
- Isolate the cat in an empty, quiet room
- Put the cat in the carrier
- Dont feed your cat on the way
- Stay close so that the cat can hear your voice
- Distract with toys
- Avoid sedating your cat
Moving to a new house creates inner tension, and your cat will feel the same, only ten times worse. It will be hard, but even if you feel nervous, dont lose your composure. Putting efforts into this will help your cat stay calm too.